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Exa FM Ecuador Radio en vivo

5.0 de 5.0 procedentes de 2 Valoración(es)
Exa FM Ecuador is a popular radio channel based in Quito, Ecuador, catering to a wide audience across various regions of Ecuador. The channel primarily broadcasts contemporary hits, both in Spanish and English, aimed at young audiences. The channel's website serves as a hub for music lovers, providing access to playlists, popular videos, and live streaming of radio shows. Exa FM Ecuador's energetic and vibrant programming brings a fresh perspective to Ecuador's music scene, with shows like Exa Control, Supersonido, and Exa Top 10 garnering a dedicated following. The channel's signature style of entertainment includes games, giveaways, and engaging listener interactions, making it a go-to option for those looking for a fun and dynamic listening experience. With a 24/7 schedule, Exa FM Ecuador has something for everyone, making it one of the most beloved radio channels in the country.
Escuchar Exa FM Ecuador en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar Exa FM Ecuador en la app radio.net
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