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Mega St☆r Radio en vivo

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Mega St☆r is a popular radio station based in Quito, Ecuador. The station caters to a wide audience across different regions of Ecuador, including Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Ambato, and Riobamba. With a diverse range of programs, Mega St☆r offers something for each listener, be it music, live shows, news, and events. The station follows a well-planned schedule that includes programs such as Morning Show, Afternoon Drive, and Night Shift. The Morning Show is hosted by the charming Freddy Soto, who provides listeners with a great start to their day with engaging talks, music, and entertainment. The Afternoon Drive offers an entertaining blend of games, quizzes, and the latest hits, and the Night Shift is dedicated to the best of 80s and 90s music, coupled with exciting trivia and stories. In addition to their on-air programs, Mega St☆r keeps their listeners up-to-date with their latest news and events on their website - https://megastaradio.blogspot.com/.
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Inicio > Emisoras de Pichincha > JC Radio La Bruja 107.1 FM