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Voz Andina Internacional Radio en vivo

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Voz Andina Internacional is a radio channel based in Quito, Ecuador. It caters to the Andean region and primarily plays traditional Andean music, broadcasting in Spanish. The channel is an initiative of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar and aims to promote Andean culture, traditions, and communication among the diverse Andean population.

Voz Andina Internacional broadcasts 24/7, with programs that include news, interviews, cultural events, and music. The channel features renowned Andean musicians and supports many emerging talents in the Andean music scene. Additionally, Voz Andina Internacional provides a platform for promoting Andean culture, art, literature, and history. The channel's website https://www.vozandina.uasb.edu.ec/ is a valuable resource for those interested in Andean culture, music, and lifestyle.

Overall, Voz Andina Internacional is a unique channel that is perfect for anyone who loves traditional Andean music and wants to learn more about Andean culture.
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Escuchar Voz Andina Internacional en la app radio.net
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